Tuesday, 28 April 2015

I've lost 10kg!! And overcoming feelings of failure....

Goal Weight: 80kg?
Current Weight: 95.6
Started my journey 6/01/15 - 10.4kg lost so far

I got my 10kg!! With only 100gms to get there after last week, I would have been gutted if I didn't make it :)

I didn't quite get my April goal though, missed it by 100gms (that damn number keeps popping up!), but I'm ok with that. I lost 2.7kg this month, and I think that is pretty damn good.

I've got 3 weeks left in my 12 week challenge, and have lost 6.6 in 9 weeks. My goal is to have lost 8kg, but of course I'm aiming higher. I basically want to see how much I can lose in the next 3 weeks. So I will TRY to be an angel - let's see how long that lasts. I have to at least lose 1.4kg to get to my 12 week goal - I will feel like a complete failure if I don't get that.

To be honest I will probably have feelings of failure if I get anything less than 10kg. I put so much pressure on myself, and I think that is part of the reason I can so easily fall off the wagon! I need to learn to relax, and take any loss, whether it be huge, or tiny, and remember that if I have one 'bad' food, it is not a reason to completely sabotage the rest of the day/next 48 hours.

Sounds so easy on paper doesn't it?

I have to say though, I'm pretty proud of my exercise efforts at the moment. I only missed one day last week (Saturday), and I'm really enjoying it. exercise is my stress relief at the moment, which makes it really easy to fit in to my day. Every morning I ring my workout buddy (my mum) and we schedule a time, which I then put in to my work diary. It's so important for me to treat exercise as a non-negotiable meeting!

Going to take a quick look at my mini goals:
Goal Weight End of Feb - 102 (Got it! 101.5)
5kg lost this year - 101 (Got it! 16/3)
5% lost this year - 100.7 (Got it! 16/3)
Under 100kg - (Got it! 16/3)
10kg lost this year - 96 (Got it! 27/4)
Goal Weight End of Apr - 95.5 (missed it by 100gms)
10% lost this year - 95.4
12 week challenge goal (18/5) - 94.2 (but would like it to be 92.2)
Goal Weight End of May - 93.6

Have a great week!


Next Mini Goal: 10% lost this year (200gms to go)

Monday, 20 April 2015

Still here and still going strong!

Goal Weight: 80kg?
Current Weight: 96.1
Started my journey 6/01/15 - 9.9kg lost so far

Sorry I've been a bit MIA with my blog - life has been pretty full on! Since I last checked in (about a month ago), I've lost another 2.9kg - so that's nothing to sneeze at! 8 weeks of my challenge have passed, and I've lost 6.1kg so far. Need to lose at least another 1.9kg in the next 4 weeks - but of course I'm aiming for more than that.

Been exercising at least 4 times a week, a mixture of walking & aqua jogging, and I'm really enjoying it. Trying to get as much walking done outside as possible before the weather turns to rubbish.

I still need to work on my eating, I think my losses would be a lot more consistent if I could drop some of my bad habits (hot chips when it's cold, chocolate when I'm sad) - but this is a marathon, not a sprint!

Going to take a quick look at my mini goals:
Goal Weight End of Feb - 102 (Got it! 101.5)
5kg lost this year - 101 (Got it! 16/3)
5% lost this year - 100.7 (Got it! 16/3)
Under 100kg - (Got it! 16/3)
10kg lost this year - 96
Goal Weight End of Apr - 95.5
10% lost this year - 95.4
12 week challenge goal (18/5) - 94.2

Have a great week!


Next Mini Goal: 10kg lost (100gms to go)