Sunday, 5 July 2015

A decent gain :(

Goal Weight: 73kg
Current Weight: 91.5
Started my journey 01/09/14 - 21.5kg lost

So there you have it. A 900gm gain. I kinda knew there would be a gain - didn't think it'd be quite that bad, but I'm ok with it. I didn't eat awesomely last week (although not that bad!), but that coupled with my body being stuck on a plateau (I'm pretty sure) equals a bit of a jump.

I got pretty angry about it over the weekend, but I'm alright now. There's no point in getting upset, I just need to change a few things. So I have swapped to smoothies for breakfast (instead of porridge), and plain nuts instead of a fruit/nut mix for morning snack.

The smoothies are more points/calories than porridge, but I think my body had become too accustomed to eating the same thing everyday, so thought I'd change it up a bit. This morning's one was symbio yoghurt, banana, milk, rolled oats & cinnamon. Quite yummy, although I think it needs a touch more cinnamon.

I'm also ditching coke zero again. I don't drink much of it usually, but it crept up again last week, and that fake sugar is not good for my bloating. Back to the water it is!

So a clean slate today, making some changes, and will try not to weigh again for a few days.

Wish me luck!!

To finish off, here are some awesome words from my trainer over the weekend:

"Just remember that even small bits all add up - take some pressure off and enjoy the journey! Look at how far you have come and all the things you can do now that you couldn’t do 6 months ago! 18kg may seem like a long way to go but in reality you ll feel amazing in 8kg time and the last 10kg are just some ‘fine tuning’ - you ll feel really comfortable when you get into that zone.
The reason why we weigh once a week is because during the week so much up and down goes on that it just isn’t an accurate reading when you weigh more often and as I say it does take your body some time to let go every now and again - so next time you step on the scales and they aren’t saying what you want them to - look in the mirror! Look at how awesome you are looking and how beautiful you are and then tell yourself 3 good reasons why this is happening :) - period, fluctuation, irregular toilet, water intake - seriously there are so many things that influence your weight you really really cannot let this drag you down!!! :) You are doing such an amazing job hun!!"

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