Monday, 6 July 2015

Stress & Weight Loss

Yesterday was a good day! I stuck to my new eating plan, and it went well. I wasn't hungry, I avoided coke zero, and my almonds were a tasty snack.

I did a 4.5km walk at lunchtime, and then a cardio core session for 45 minutes at home last night, so clocked up over 15,000 steps on my trusty FitBit.

So, on to my topic of the day - stress and weight loss. Work has been stressing me out BIG TIME lately. I'm doing way too many night events, and it is taking it's toll on my family life. So this morning, I put on my big girl pants, and told my boss I wasn't happy. There's no way to change the role, so I told her I'd be looking for a new job, and I'm pretty sure she knew that was coming.

I instantly felt my shoulders lift, and the stress slip away. Now that I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, I feel a million times better. I don't have a new job (yet), but I have this one to keep me going, and I don't have to sit here miserable everyday.

I'm beginning to think about what effect the stress might have been having on my weight loss efforts. I definitely eat more when stressed, and apparently stress can make you hold on to weight.

Will be interesting to see what the scales say on Monday!

And yes, I did check the scales this morning, and they had gone down from yesterday! But I'm going to stay off them now until at least Friday morning.

Has anyone else found that stress has an effect on what the scale says?

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